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Hello and welcome to another week of FOC! With no new Marvel releases and only a few offerings from DC, it seems like our wallets will get some rest this week, especially after the past few weeks of heavy releases. However, don't worry! There are still some hidden gems out there that you should keep an eye on.

Cover picks

Green Lantern #7 Jorge Fornes 1:50 Incentive

I love the old-school punk rock vibe of this cover. I couldn't find many available for sale on eBay, but one sold for $112.28. This cover may be scarce enough to keep the price in that ballpark.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #147 Cover A (Federici)

TMNT is not usually a top choice for speculation, but they have a dedicated fanbase. When a great cover is released, the fans will go out of their way to find it. In this case, the Federici cover is particularly impressive and will definitely have TMNT fans searching for it in the future.

Swan Songs #6 CVR B Aguado Variant

There's a niche market for these Aguado covers. This will be a great addition to your PC or a stash-and-hold.

Transformers #4 CVR B Jonboy Meyers

It is a great-looking cover, and everyone loves the Energon universe. This is a no-brainer for me.

Transformers #4 CVR E 1:50

These spoiler variants have been doing well for Skybound, Smart money is on a Megatron reveal. If that is the case, it'll hit big.

Action Comics #1061 CVR A

Well, we get Bizzaro reintroduced and apparently dies this issue. Considering this is Part 1 of I, Bizzaro - I don't expect the death to stick, making this a fairly meaningless minor key.

Green Lantern #7 CVR A

Solicitation states a major character will die in this issue, but "death" keys are rarely worthwhile. Luckily, the 1:25 features a first cover appearance, and the 1:50 is a badass cover.

Transformers #4 CVR A

I have decided to keep some extra copies of the early Energon Universe titles, including this particular Transformers issue. According to the solicitation, a new hero - possibly Duke or an altogether new character - is set to join the battle. This makes the issue a must-have for fans like me.

There you have it folks, happy FOC'ing!

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